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Plotting Along for the Ride: Crafting a Good Story

Today's Card: Seven of Cups (rev.) ~*~ February 22, 63rd day of 2023 ~*~ Today's Color: Brown


Creating a strong plot is one of the most important aspects of writing, but it can also be one of the most challenging. There are many moments where I sit there, looking at my computer screen, trying to figure out how to get from point A to point B in the plot. However, with a little planning and effort, whether you're a "Pantser" or a "Plotter," anyone can develop a good plot. Here are some tips to help you create a story that will captivate your readers.

Start with a central conflict.

Every story needs a central conflict that drives the plot forward. This can be anything from a character's inner struggle to an external battle with an antagonist. Whatever the conflict, it needs to be compelling enough to keep the reader engaged throughout the story. Spend some time brainstorming different conflict ideas before you start writing.

Develop your characters.

Your characters are the heart of your story, and the more you know about them, the easier it will be to create a plot that feels authentic and compelling. Think about their motivations, desires, and fears. What do they want, and what's standing in their way? Use this information to build a character arc that aligns with the central conflict of your story.

Create a story arc.

A good story arc should have a clear beginning, middle, and end. The beginning sets the stage, the middle develops the conflict, and the end resolves it. Think about the key events that will take place in your story, and use them to create a natural flow that keeps the reader engaged.

Add tension and suspense.

A good plot should keep the reader on the edge of their seat. Adding tension and suspense can help achieve this. Think about ways to create uncertainty and unpredictability in your story. You can use foreshadowing, cliffhangers, and unexpected plot twists to keep your readers guessing.

Consider the pacing.

Pacing is an essential element of a good plot. If your story moves too slowly, your reader will lose interest. If it moves too quickly, important details may be overlooked. Finding the right balance can be challenging, but pay attention to the feedback you receive from early readers and adjust your pacing accordingly.

Use subplots.

Subplots can help add depth and complexity to your story. They can also help to alleviate tension and add moments of levity. When creating subplots, make sure they tie in with the main plot and support its development.

Write with passion.

The most important element of a good plot is writing with passion. If you're not passionate about your story, your readers won't be either. Write about things that matter to you, and be true to your voice and your style.

Creating a good plot requires a combination of planning, creativity, and passion. Take the time to develop your central conflict, characters, story arc, tension, pacing, and subplots, and don't forget to write with heart. With these tips in mind, you can create a story that will keep your readers engaged and excited until the very end.

I try to keep all these in mind when I write, and that includes the ongoing romance serial "Fire In The Mountains!" A new episode is released every Friday, and this week's episode is going to be a long one. Make sure to catch up before it hits. Happy writing!


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