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  • Writer's pictureEmily Taylor

Monday Motivation -- Somedays you get the bear; somedays the bear gets you.

This quote is from The Big Lebowski

I had a completely different blog entry planned for today, but I am so far behind in so many ways that this is the blog entry you get. So, what happened? Well, like the title says: Somedays you get the bear; somedays the bear gets you. This weekend, the bear got me. It's my own fault. Procrastination is a hell of a drug. My son went out of town to visit family this weekend. So, last week we got him ready to go. “That's fine,” I thought to myself. “I'll write the blog post over the weekend.” On Friday, I sent the child off, and the husband and I took a very rare date night. We went out to eat at a nice restaurant, and then went to see a movie. It was “The Nun” if you're curious, and I found it a good addition to the Conjuring/Annabelle universe. The boychild was due back the next day, so the husband and I slept in, and then binged the new Netflix series “The Haunting of Hill House,” VERY loosely based on the book of the same name by Shirley Jackson. (Hey, it's Halloween season and horror movies are a wonderful thing!) “I can work on the blog entry tonight, after the kid is home,” I thought to myself. But, then the people he was traveling with decided to leave early the next day instead of later that night, so I had another relaxing evening with the husband. “Well, there's always tomorrow.” The next day, the child arrived home, and I was scheduled to go for a walk with my mom at the local nature preserve. I'd come home afterwards and work on the blog entry. I had it all planned out, after all. So, I went for my walk, came home that evening, and... The boychild got sick. Like, hours of throwing up and whining sick. I spent the rest of that evening doing my best to appease an unhappy tween who vacillated between tween angst over being sick and wanting his mom to make everything better. Finally, around 11 pm, the puking ended... And the fever began. And there went the weekend. So, I sit here today, typing a way overdue blog post and hoping that I don't catch this horrible illness since it seems everyone else has. Boychild is doing better, but still a bit tender. I am making homemade chicken soup for dinner, and I am just tired. The bear got me this weekend. I need to learn to stop putting stuff off.


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